Winter has long since settled in, along with varying amounts of snow and ice.

The election is over with and it’s going to be a very long, cold few years, so it’s time to wrap up tight and hunker down.  Or at least for now, as things begin to unfold in the new regime and we see how they look.

Other than a quick trip southish in March, I’m staying pretty close to home for awhile ~ working on all things music ~ writing/recording/booking/managing/rehearsing  ~ trying to stay on top of it all!  Within a month or two I’m hoping to have a whole new website up and running, too ~ all those behind-the-scenes things that have to get done somehow.

As it says on the home page, the Ireland trip is almost all booked.  There are two slots left so if you’ve been thinking you really want to go this time ~  DO IT!  You may never have a better chance!

For now, I’m wishing for you all that you stay warm and dry and I hope to see you somewhere down the road.