It’s not officially winter yet ~ in fact it’s not even unofficially winter yet! It’s warm, balmy, and no snow, but I’m hopeful. I’m not motivated enough to get plastic on the windows or to finally put the garden to bed or to stash the bike in the basement, and if you can’t tell, I’m one who really likes winter. Not forever, when it’s -0 in late February, but the change of seasons always makes me glad I live in the north. It’s all magic to me.
I’m spending the last months of 2016 finishing ‘The Irishman’s Daughter’ and promoting my book ‘Henny & Benny Bunyan and the Maple Syrup Adventure.‘ I’m also investigating writing a grant for a film project I’ve been thinking about for some years ~ if that comes through I’ll post more about it.
So for now, stay safe, watch for deer and have a good season!