Winter has yet to make an appearance in this part of the country (as of mid-January anyway).  We keep hearing rumors of snow, but…just getting RAIN.  I’m tempted to go out and plant something, just to see what happens.

That said, I’m enjoying staying close to home right now – at least until Feb –  busy booking dates and working on material for the new CD.  I keep waffling on the title of it and may not decide until it’s time to send it off to the CD maker place.  I am enjoying the process of digging through old tapes and notes, seeing what I was envisioning a couple of years ago as an Irish American recording. And I do mean tapes!  I’m glad they still make little cassette players for these dusty old relics that are stuffed in the back of my desk.

I’m doing a Pasty Belt Tour in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in February.  Only I would decide to tour up there in the winter! – dates are on the schedule page.  I’m also whiling away some short, dark days by taking fiddle lessons (Liz Carroll has nothing to worry about) and making music here and there with friends.  A nice beginning to a new year.

‘til Spring!