Summer 2017

For some reason my usually so-so garden is bursting at the seams already, and most likely because it’s all in pots this year.  My neighbor and pal is going to help me put a patio in my old garden spot (which didn’t work that well anyway) and I found...

Winter 2017

Winter has long since settled in, along with varying amounts of snow and ice. The election is over with and it’s going to be a very long, cold few years, so it’s time to wrap up tight and hunker down.  Or at least for now, as things begin to unfold in the new regime...

Winter 2016

It’s not officially winter yet ~ in fact it’s not even unofficially winter yet!  It’s warm, balmy, and no snow, but I’m hopeful.  I’m not motivated enough to get plastic on the windows or to finally put the garden to bed or to stash the bike in the basement, and if...

Fall 2016

Summer heat is gone but the heat is on to wrap up the new CD ‘The Irishman’s Daughter’!  This project has been in the works for a long time, and after several set-backs for various reasons, we’re reaching the end of the tunnel.  Yay!  The first official CD release...

Summer 2016

Ireland was amazingly sunny and warm for late May, but I returned home to find full-blown summer had arrived.  The trees are completely leafed out, flowers are everywhere, and alas, I’ve barely started my own garden.  I had such a vision!! June is such a crazy busy...

Spring 2016

Spring is out there somewhere, but definitely not here in Michigan yet.  Lots of rain, so things are green, but then the snow falls and it’s white again.  This too shall pass, yes?? I’m excited to be finally launching my first children’s book, ‘Henny and Benny Bunyan...