by kittyd | Jan 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
by kittyd | Oct 4, 2018 | Uncategorized
Fall is my favorite season, without a doubt. We’re in the middle of the shifting weather right now ~ it’s like summer one day and chilly the next, but it’s all good. I have a couple of songs extolling the virtues of autumn, ‘Autumn Dance’ being my most...
by kittyd | Jul 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
Well, it’s a hot one for sure here in Michigan, and pretty much all over the country! After a long, cool spring, summer has arrived with a vengeance. There’s not much new to report right now except that Ireland was again wonderful and I’m doing some personal...
by kittyd | Mar 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
It’s a slow, cold spring here in Michigan but there signs of life out there. Bits of flowers are starting to show, the grass is a shy and curmudgeonly green, and there are definitely new bird songs to be heard. I’m all for that! ...
by kittyd | Jan 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
‘winter dark always takes me by surprise ~ I think it’s the middle of the afternoon and all of a sudden the sky is the color of slate with thick, clotted clouds lowering themselves upon the buildings and the trees’ ...
by kittyd | Sep 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
The weather has made a dynamic shift here in Michigan and it feels much more like fall than summer. In the past few months there have been some fun neighborhood bonfires, a two-week stint of teaching songwriting at Interlochen Arts Academy, various gigs...